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Violet-Necked Lory

Violet-Necked Lory adults have purple/blue wide band around neck, varying in width individually; abdomen to undertail coverts dark purple; scapulars soft purple tipped in black; greater wing coverts and flight feathers red with wide black tips; underwing coverts and undersides of flight feathers red, with black tips on primaries; tail purple/red. Bill orange/brown. Eye orange.

General Description

Name: Violet-Necked Lory Eos squamata -Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, California, USA-8a.jpg
Latin Name: Eos squamata
Life Span: 15 years
Length: 27 cm
Weight:  110 g
Sexual Maturity:  8 months or later
Breeding Season:  
Natural Diet:  
Gender Difference: DNA testing is required


Eos squamata obiensis Island of Obi in the northern Moluccas / Maluku Islands. Both adults as in riciniata, but scapulars black, not red; varying purple/grey neck band; throat to upper abdomen red in colour.
Eos squamata riciniata Weda Islands and Islands of the Northern Moluccas / Maluku Islands. Both adults very visible purple/grey neck band extending up to hindcrown with red nape; scapulars red; throat to upper breast purple/grey, with red border on lower breast.
Eos squamata squamata

W Papuan Islands and nearby Schildpad Islands. Both adults purple/blue wide band around neck, varying in width individually; abdomen to undertail coverts dark purple; scapulars soft purple tipped in black; greater wing coverts and flight feathers red with wide black tips; underwing coverts and undersides of flight feathers red, with black tips on primaries; tail purple/red. Bill orange/brown. Eye orange.


 It is endemic to Indonesia,


Classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and is listed on Appendix II of Cites.

IUCN Red List - Least Concern Species